Head of department: SHALAYEV Rostyslav Valerievich,
candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

+7 (856) 311-52-77

Department staff: total number of employees – 45; doctors of sciences – 4, candidates of sciences – 8.


Lines of scientific research: Study of the effect of severe plastic deformations, high pressure and concentrated energy flow on the structure and the properties of solids. Formation of the structure and the properties in the course of sintering of ceramic materials. Structural and optic tests of nano-sized films.

Fundamental results

  • A process of severe plastic deformation (Twist Extrusion) is suggested and developed. Twist extrusion allows formation of submicrocrystal and microcrystal structures in bulk samples by grain fragmentation in coarse-grained materials and consolidation of amorphous and nanocrystal powders. A theoretical approach to description of the processes accompanying SPD-treatment is developed.
  • A method is proposed and the conditions are established for twist extrusion formation of a hybrid material with the structure combining submicrocrystal and coarse-grained phases in the form of hard shell and soft core of a billet. As compared to a homogeneous submicrocrystal material, the hybrid demonstrates enhanced uniform elongation that provides an additional stability with respect to the overload in the course of tension.
  • A method of pressure processing of metals is designed and developed, that is reversible closed punching. A specific feature is possible strengthening of solid and hollow-type billets including those characterized by the cross-section along the length.
  • It is found that cold isostatic pressing accelerates the synthesis of lanthanum manganites, reduces the temperature inhibits the growth of crystallites. A method is developed that allows production of nanopowders characterized by the average size of crystallites ~30 nm ((La0,65Sr0,35)0,8Mn1,2O3±Δ) and ~6 nm (La0,7Mn1,3O3±Δ).
  • The research area of production of film-type nanostructured materials (semiconductors and metals) is intensively developed. For the first time, a method of catalyst-free growth of film arrays of unique carbon-nitrogen fibers from the gaseous at low substrate temperature and low capacity of plasma.
  • New optical methods are proposed and the existing ones are improved for contact-free non-destructive control of the oxygen content, thickness and homogeneity of nano-sized magnetoresistive LSMO-films. These methods were applied to the study of the effect of the sputtering and annealing modes on the properties of LSMO-films on different substrates. Besides, optical methods are applied to the tests of the In2O3 semiconducting films that are promising materials for production of different gas sensors.

Applied researches

Optimum conditions and modes of deformation of high-nitrogen steels under pressure are found that provide a high set of strength and plastic characteristics. In 2002, the research was awarded by the G.V. Kurdyumov Prize of NAS of Ukraine.

The researchers of the department work on enhancement of strength, crack resistance, conductivity, wear resistance, acid resistance, refractory properties, magnetic characteristics, improvement of the synthesis conditions and the modes of sintering of the tested materials.

Wide experience of the powder synthesis and ceramics sintering is accumulated:

  • zirconia (with different stabilizers)
  • alumina
  • lanthanum manganites of varied composition
  • basalt refractory materials
  • carbon silicide

The materials can be used in the cases when high wear resistance, hardness, corrosion stability is required. They can operate at high temperature and in corrosive environment.

Scientific co-operation

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia); Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany); Ioffe Institute (St.Petersburg, Russia); Institute of Metallophysics (Ekaterinburg, Russia); National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia); Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) I.P. Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy (Moscow, Russia); Moscow Technological University (MIREA) (Moscow, Russia); Institute of Solid State Physics RAS (Chernogolovka, Moscow, Russia); A.A. Bajkov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS (Moscow, Russia); V.A. Kotelnikov Institute for Radiotechnics and Electronics RAS (Moscow, Russia); Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Velyki Novgorod, Russia); Vladimir State University named after Alexanderand Nikolay Stoletov’s (Vladimir, Russia); Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); Luhansk National University named after T.G. Shevchenko (Luhansk); Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk).

Selected publication

  1. M.I. Latypov, M.-G. Lee, Y. Beygelzimer, D. Prilepo, Y. Gusar,  H.S.Kim. Modeling and Characterization of Texture Evolution in Twist Extrusion // Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A. –  V.47, Iss. 3 (2016), P. 1248-1260.
  2. Beygelzimer Y.Y., Varyukhin V.N., Prokof’eva O.V. How is One to Determine the Ductility of the Ultrafine Grained Materials Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation? // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). – V. 2013, N 10  (2013), P. 802–806.
  3. Shalaev R.V., Prudnikov A.M., Ulyanov A.N. et al. Effect of in situ ultraviolet irradiation on the formation of nanostructural carbon nitride films // Phys. Status Solidi A., 209, №7 (2012), P. 1287–1290.
  4. Varyukhin V., Beygelzimer Y.,  Kulagin R., Prokof’eva O., Reshetov A. Twist Extrusion: Fundamentals and Applications // Materials Science Forum.- V.667-669 (2011), P. 31-37.
  5. Metlov L.S. Nonequilibrium evolution thermodynamics of vacancies // Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 (2011), P. 165506(4).
  6. Metlov L.S. Nonequilibrium dynamics of a two-defectsystem under severe load // Phys.Rev. E., 90, 0221124 (2014).
  7. A.V.Khomenko, D.S.Troshchenko, L.S.Metlov. Termodinamics and kinetics of solids fragmentation at severe plastic deformation // Сondensed Matter Physics 18, №3, 33004:1-14(2015).
  8. Yu.M. Nikolaenko, A.N. Artemov, Yu.V. Medvedev, N.B. Efros, I.V. Zhikharev, I.Yu. Reshidova, A.A. Tikhii and S.V. Kara-Murza. Non-uniform oxygen diffusion in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3−δ film on SrTiO3 substrate // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 375302 (7pp)
  9. А.А. Тихий, В.А. Грицких, С.В. Кара-Мурза, Н.В. Корчикова, Ю.М. Николаенко, В.В. Фарапонов, И.В. Жихарев. Эллипсометрический метод определения оптических параметров тонкопленочных покрытий со сложной структурой // Оптика и спектроскопия, 2015, том 119, №2, с. 282–286.
  10. Прилипко С.Ю., Акимов Г.Я., Ревенко Ю.Ф., Варюхин В.Н.,Новохацкая А.А. Коэрцитивная сила нанокристаллических манганитов // ФНТ.– 2010.– Т. 36.– №. 4.– С. 452–455.