Chief Librarian: Sukhova Yu.V.
The history of the scientific library is entwined with the history of foundation and the life of the Institute.
In 1965, the literature from exchange collections of large libraries of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kharkov, Kiev, formed the basis of the library collection. This fact played a determining role in literature provisioning related to the lines of the scientific research that are performed by the scientists of the Institute.
The library is particularly proud of the personal library of academician Abram Fedorovich Ioffe. It includes hundreds of books and journals, the majority of them are marked by priceless autographs of the most famous physicists of the world.
Amongst the editions:
- Handbuch der Physik. –Berlin, 1923-1933. – Vol. 5-23
- Frenkel J. Lehrbuch der Electrodynamik. –Berlin, 1911
- Pascal E. Repertorium der Hoeheren Mathematik. –Berlin, 1911
- Хвольсон. Курс физики. – Берлин, 1911-1923. – тт. 1-5
- Proceedings of the Royal Society ofLondon: Scient.journ. –London, 1860-1974
- Zeitschrift für Physik: Intern.Scient.Phys.journ. – BerlinWest : Springer-Verlag, 1922-1943
In addition to the books of A.F. Ioffe, the library reposits the books of Vladimir Ivanovich Arkharov, an outstanding scientist, academician of AS of USSR. Among his books, there are unique editions:
- Euler L. Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra : in 2 vol. Vol. 1-2. –St. Petersburg, 1802
- Weber H.,WellsteinI.Энциклопедiя элементарной математики : Руководство для преподающихъ и изучающихъ элементарную математику : Въ трехъ томахъ : пер. с нем. Т.1-2. – Одесса : Матезисъ, 1911
- Тимирязев А.К. Кинетическая теория материи: Лекции, читанные в первом Московском государственном университете в 1917-1918 гг. – М.-Петроград, 1923
The books of A.F. Ioffe and V.I. Arkharov are extant substantial particles of great history of evolution of national Physics.
Over a number of years, the exchange of scientific editions was performed with 18 institutions in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia. In exchange for journal “High Pressure Physics and Technics”, the library obtained valuable journals, e.g. Doklady RAN, Crystallography, Mechanics of Polymeric Materials etc.
Formation of the collection and acquisition was due to pre-payment, exchange of documents and donations of the members of the Institute.
Now the scientific library of State Butgetary Institution “Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering” is made up of more than 150 thousand accounting units. One third of them are foreign editions. The collection includes professional books in all branches of science. The main branches are Physics, Mathematics, Technics.
The library has at disposal a number of rare books:
- Ландау Л., Пятигорский Л. Теоретическая физика : т.1 : Механика. – М.-Л. : ГИТТЛ, 1940
- Ландау Л., Лифшиц Е. Теоретическая физика : т.2 : Статистическая физика. – М.-Л. : ГИТТЛ, 1940
- Физический энциклопедический словарь /Под ред. проф. П.Н.Беликова. – М.: ОНТИ НКТП СССР, 1936
- Шефер К. Теоретическая физика : т.1. Ч. 2 : Механика сплошных сред. – М.-Л. : ОНТИ НКТП СССР, 1936
- Шефер К. Теоретическая физика : т.3. Ч. 1 : Электродинамика. – М.-Л. : ОНТИ НКТП СССР, 1937
- Шефер К. Теоретическая физика : т.3. Ч. 2 : Оптика. – М.-Л. : ОНТИ НКТП СССР, 1938
- Reports on progress in Physics : Scient.Phys.journ. – 1954-1980. – London: Institute of Physics (IOP), 1954; 1967-1968; 1970-1980
- SolidStatePhysics. – N.Y. : Academic Press, 1955-1988. – vol. 1-41
- Magnetism. – N.Y. : Academic Press, 1963. – vol. 1-5
A part of the collection includes sets of pre-revolutionary journals, full sets of national and foreign scientific journals. Among them: JETP since 1931, JTP since 1931, Optics and Spectroscopy since 1956, Physics-Uspekhi since 1918, Physics of Solids since 1959, Physics of Metals and Metallogr. since 1955, Physical Review since 1922, J. Appl. Physics since 1937, Rev. of Sci. Instr. since 1933, Physical Review Letters since 1958.
The readers have at their disposal a reference room, permanent exhibition “New additions to the library”. Book and journal collections are freely available.
All items are represented in catalogues and card registers that are kept up-to-date.
To make the work of the readers comfortable, the periodic literature is presented in hard copies and electronic form, in the form of microfilms and microfiches.
In 2011, the work on formation and provisioning of an electronic catalogue was started. The maintenance support is performed by Koha software that supports international system МАRК21. The search for the journals in electronic catalogue of the library is available:
The main tasks and objectives of the library are: assistance in development of scientific activity by providing free accessibility of scientific and technical information, formation of the most full information resources of scientific and technical data, library and bibliographical service for the specialists in the scientific and technical sphere and other categories of the readers, optimization of the library collection, formation of web-resources and electronic catalogue, study of the experience of other libraries to introduce the most interesting modern library services, participation in workshops on the problems of evolution of the system of scientific and technical libraries.