of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
«Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering»
Now the structure of FSBSI Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering includes 7 research departments, 2 research and auxiliary departments, 16 auxiliary and other units.
I. Administration
- Director
- Scientific Supervisor of the Instutute
- Deputy Director in scientific work
- Deputy Director in general issues
- Deputy Director for financial and economic work
- Scientific Secretary
- Chief Engineer
II. Research departments
- Department of phase transformations
- Department of magnetic and resonance properties of solids
- Department of high-pressure physics and advanced technologies
- Department of theory of electronic and kinetic properties of non-linear systems
- Department of electronic properties of metals
- Department of theory of dynamical properties of complex systems
- Department of physics and diagnostic of advanced materials
III. Auxiliary research departments
- Department of scientific and technical information
- Metrology department
IV. Auxiliary divisions
- Planning department
- Scientific library
- Editorial staff of HPPT
- Scientific and technical archive
- Accounts department
- Personnel department
- Administrative support office
- Department of logistical and technical support
- Purchasing department
- Maintenance department
- Transport service
- Fire prevention service
- Occupational safety service
- Civil defence staff office
- General service department
- Security service