Monthly Archives: October 2013

Specialized scientific council

Scientific councils

Date: November 01, Friday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. DEFENSE of the thesis for the candidate scientific degree in physics and mathematics DADOENKOVA Yuliya Sergiivna (DonIPE of NASU) ”Magneto-optical effects in magnetic and optically nonlinear photonic structures”, speciality 01.04.11 … Continue

(Русский) Молодые ученые ДонФТИ НАНУ на саммите DIIS 2013


На прошлой неделе в Донецке состоялся VI Международный инвестиционный Саммита DIIS, посвященный энергоэффективности, ресурсосбережению и экобезопасности. Саммит проходил 17-18 октября в выставочном комплексе «Эксподонбасс». Участниками Саммита стали  более 2 тыс человек из 20 разных стран  мира.

Specialized scientific council

Scientific councils

Date: October 24, Thursday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. Admission of the thesis to the defense for candidate of science degree in physics and mathematics ZABOLOTIN Andriy Evgenovych (DonIPE of NASU) ”Optical and magneto-optical properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals … Continue



October 1, 2013 a solemn ceremony of the International Academic Rating “Golden Fortune” (Kiev). The Academy holds a ceremony honoring the achievements of outstanding individuals and organizations in many countries around the world. Chosen ratings – they are people who … Continue