Scientific councils

The staff of the Scientific Council approved by order of SI DonIPE from 07.10.2015 №15 as amended by order of FSBSI DonIPE from 18.04.2017 №7, 17.01.2019 №3, 18.03.2020 №3, 25.06.2021 №26 and order of FSBSI DonIPE from 28.06.2024 №24.


  1. I.Yu.Reshidova, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Acting director, Head of the Council
  2. A.V.Golovchan, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, vice-director in scientific work, vice-head of the Council
  3. O.V.Prokof’eva, candidate of engineering sciences, scientific secretary, the Council scientific secretary
  4. V.N.Varyukhin,  doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, the NASU Associate Member, scientific supervisor
  5. D.R.Belichko, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, head of the laboratory
  6. V.I.Val’kov, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, main scientist
  7. D.V.Varyukhin, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, head of the department
  8. A.A.Gusev, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, leading scientist 
  9. T.E.Konstantinova, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, leading scientist
  10. V.V.Malashenko, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, main scientist
  11. L.S.Metlov, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, leading scientist
  12. Yu.M.Nikolaenko, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, leading scientist
  13. S.V.Tarasenko, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, main scientist
  14. V.I.Tkach, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, main scientist
  15. R.V.Shalaev, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, leading scientist
  16. E.I.Shemchenko, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, chairman of the trade-union committee
  17. V.M.Yurchenko, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, main scientist


Dissertation Council 24.1.492.01 authorized to carry out the defense of theses for the competition of the scientific degree of doctor (candidate) of physico-mathematical sciences by the specialty 1.3.8  “Condensed matter physics” (physico-mathematical sciences) at the premises of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering».


  • Val’kov V.I., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, Head of the Dissertation Council;
  • Malashenko V.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, vice-head of the Dissertation Council;
  • Pilipenko E.A., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, the Dissertation Council scientific secretary;
  • Varyukhin V.N., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, the NASU Associate Member;
  • Zavorotnev Yu.D., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, senior scientist;
  • Konstantinova T.Ye., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor;
  • Metlov K.L., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences;
  • Metlov L.S., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, senior scientist;
  • Prokhorov A.D., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, senior scientist;
  • Rumyantsev V.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor;
  • Tarasenko S.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor;
  • Tarasenko T.N., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, senior scientist;
  • Terekhov S.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, associate professor;
  • Tkatch V.I., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, senior scientist;
  • Yurchenko V.M., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor;
  • Petrenko A.G., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor.


To improve the scientific, scientific and organizational activity of the SBI DonIPE there have been established the problem councils by the directions “Condensed State Physics” and “Physics of Materials in the Extreme Conditions and Nano-Scale Phenomena” (Minutes №5 of June 26, 2007).

Membership approved at a meeting of the Academic Council DonIPE 24.12.2019, Minutes № 7, and 26.11.2020, Minutes № 6.

The Problem Council “Physics of Materials in the Extreme Conditions and Nano-Scale Phenomena”:

  1. Tkach V.I. – Chairman; doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  2. Yurchenko V.M. – a deputy chairman; doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  3. Mel’nik T.N. – a secretary; candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  4. Varykhin D.V., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  5. Vasul’ev S.V., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  6. Zhiharev I.V., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  7. Konstantinova T.Ye., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  8. Limanovskiy A.I., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  9. Metlov L.S., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  10. Prilipko S.Yu., candidate of engineering sciences
  11. Prokof’eva O.V., candidate of engineering sciences
  12. Terekhov S.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  13. Tkachenko V.M., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  14. Shalaev R.V., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  15. Chayka E.V., candidate of engineering sciences

The Problem Council “Condensed State Physics”:

  1. Tarasenko S.V. – Chairman; doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  2. Val’kov V.I – a deputy chairman; doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  3. Pilipenko E.A. – a secretary; candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  4. Gusev A.A., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  5. Dadoenkova N.N., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  6. Dragunov I.E., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  7. Drobot’ko V.F., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  8. Malashenko V.V., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  9. Metlov K.L., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  10. Mikhailov V.I., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  11. Nikolaenko Yu.M., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
  12. Prokhorov A.D., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  13. Zavorotnev Yu.D., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
  14. Khachaturova T.A., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences