“HPPT”, Vol 22, №1


Victor Varyukhin celebrates his 60-ieth anniversary 7
GOKHFELD V.M. Dynamic conductance of a layered conductor in the quantum limit 9
KOVARSKII V.L. Kinetic equations for the pseudospin model with barriers 14
BOUTKO V.G. Electronic and magnetic structures of the Fe nanowires 25
TEREKHOV S.V. Universality of synergetic laws. I. General characteristics of scale levels 33
GABELKOV S.V. Structure model of porous body compacted from agglomerated powders 55
VASILJEV A.G. Effect of phase decomposition of the RFe2 intermetallic on hydrogen sorption 65
VOZNYAK Yu.V. Properties of semicrystalline polymers after equalchannel angular extrusion. Effect of the deformation scheme 72
KOLUPAEV B.B., KLEPKO V.V., LEBEDEV E.V., KOLUPAEV B.S. Pressure influence in the T–p-mode on thermal properties of polyvinylchloride, polyvinylbutyrale and polystyrene 79
URYUKOV B.A., TKACHENKO G.V. Method for obtaining bulk nanomaterials by high-velocity impacts of metal particles with a target 89
KRALYUK M.A., PASHINSKA E.G., VLASENKO N.N., TISHCHENKO I.I. Physical processes influencing on microstructure and formation of properties in copper at severe plastic deformation 99
SHKATULYAK N.M., TKACHUK E.N. Influence of internal cyclical pressure on the texture and failure of a pipe made of low-alloyed steel 107
SPUSKANYUK V.Z., GANGALO A.N., DAVYDENKO A.A., DENISOV E.N. Upper bound estimate of the pressure of equal channel angular pressing of bimetal billets 113
ALEXEEV A.D., MOLCHANOV A.N., ULYANOVA E.V., ZIMINA S.V., PICHKA T.V. Transformation of local structure of fossil coals caused by an outburst and high pressure effect 122

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