STRAUMAL B.B., ZAVOROTNEV Yu.D., DAVDYAN G.S. High-pressure torsion and phase transformations in metal alloys | 5 |
PROKHOROV А.А., MINIKAEV R., KRAVCHENKO Z.F., PROKHOROV A.D. Mn2+ ion in single-crystal YGa3(BO3)4 and EuGa3(BO3)4. EPR and high-temperature phase transition |
30 |
TEREKHOV S.V. Effect of phase transitions on the temperature dependences of the thermal properties of a substance | 41 |
BOYLO I.V. Frequency dependence of the resistivity of a memristor based on lanthanum-calcium manganite | 51 |
KRASNYUK I.B., YURCHENKO V.M., MELNIK T.N. “Martingal ordering” of Sharkovsky for a simple logistical mapping | 59 |
MALASHENKO V.V., MALASHENKO T.I. Specific features of strain hardening of metals and alloys under high external load | 75 |
PRILIPKO S.Yu., KUDRYAVTSEV Yu.A., BRYUKHANOVA I.I., VOLKOVA G.K., GOLOVAN G.N., GLAZUNOVA V.A., BURKHOVETSKY V.V. Ceramics with a porous structure as a filter material for mine water purification | 78 |
SAIPULAEVA L.А., ZAKHVALINSKII V.S., ALIBEKOV А.G., PIRMAGOMEDOV Z.Sh., КOCHURA А.V., GADJIALIEV М.М., MARENKIN S.F., RIL A.I. Magnetotransport studies of the n-(Cd0.69Zn0.31)3As2 alloy under high pressure | 88 |
GREBNEVA H.A. Polymerase-tautomeric model of the risk of malignant | 99 |
TARYANIK N.V., VARYUKHIN D.V., PERMYAKOV V.V. Screening of an object in magnetic field of a superconducting solenoid | 105 |
RUDENKO E.A., ZAKARLYUKA S.V., GONCHAROV V.E., PILIPENKO V.V. Experimental study of the effect of in-plane deformation crushing of thin strips on the resistance to flat shape loss | 114 |
SHAZHKO YA.V., MELNIK T.N., BORISENKO E.V., PODRUKHIN A.A., BUT E.N. Estimation of gas pressure in mined-out space of closed mines | 124 |
AUTHOR’S INDEX 2022/td> | 130 |