“PHPT”, Vol 32, №4


STRAUMAL B.B., ZAVOROTNEV Yu.D., DAVDYAN G.S. High-pressure torsion and phase transformations in metal alloys 5
PROKHOROV А.А., MINIKAEV R., KRAVCHENKO Z.F., PROKHOROV A.D. Mn2+ ion in single-crystal YGa3(BO3)4 and EuGa3(BO3)4. EPR and
high-temperature phase transition
TEREKHOV S.V. Effect of phase transitions on the temperature dependences of the thermal properties of a substance 41
BOYLO I.V. Frequency dependence of the resistivity of a memristor based on lanthanum-calcium manganite 51
KRASNYUK I.B., YURCHENKO V.M., MELNIK T.N. “Martingal ordering” of Sharkovsky for a simple logistical mapping 59
MALASHENKO V.V., MALASHENKO T.I. Specific features of strain hardening of metals and alloys under high external load 75
PRILIPKO S.Yu., KUDRYAVTSEV Yu.A., BRYUKHANOVA I.I., VOLKOVA G.K., GOLOVAN G.N., GLAZUNOVA V.A., BURKHOVETSKY V.V. Ceramics with a porous structure as a filter material for mine water purification 78
SAIPULAEVA L.А., ZAKHVALINSKII V.S., ALIBEKOV А.G., PIRMAGOMEDOV Z.Sh., КOCHURA А.V., GADJIALIEV М.М., MARENKIN S.F., RIL A.I. Magnetotransport studies of the n-(Cd0.69Zn0.31)3As2 alloy under high pressure 88
GREBNEVA H.A. Polymerase-tautomeric model of the risk of malignant 99
TARYANIK N.V., VARYUKHIN D.V., PERMYAKOV V.V. Screening of an object in magnetic field of a superconducting solenoid 105
RUDENKO E.A., ZAKARLYUKA S.V., GONCHAROV V.E., PILIPENKO V.V. Experimental study of the effect of in-plane deformation crushing of thin strips on the resistance to flat shape loss 114
SHAZHKO YA.V., MELNIK T.N., BORISENKO E.V., PODRUKHIN A.A., BUT E.N. Estimation of gas pressure in mined-out space of closed mines 124


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