Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

The Editors ask Contributors to follow the rules set forth below for preparation of papers, otherwise they will be refused.

Contributions written in Russian and English are welcome.

The manuscripts should de submitted in duplicate type – 14 pts Times with 1,5 spacing on one side of A4 size paper.

Margins: 3, 2, 1,5 cm (left, upper and lower, right, respectively). All pages should be numbered.

The manuscript should de read through and signed by the Author(s).

The electronic version (a diskette) of the paper should be submitted or it may be submitted by E-mail:

Preparation of Manuscript

The manuscript should consist of text of the paper, abstract, references, figure captions, figures, information about author(s).

1. The main text. The first page includes:

  • PACS classification index;
  • the name(s) of the author(s);
  • the title;
  • the name and address of the institute where the research work was done.

The title should be informative and brief without abbreviations (apart from conventional ones). Abbreviations used in the text should be interpreted where they are mentioned first.

Dimensions of physical quantities (in SI units) should be in English. In decimal numbers the decimal fractions are separated by point.

2. Tables should de typed on separate sheets, each table should have a number and a title. For values the units of measurements are necessary.

3. Formulae: it is desirable that the formulae are typed in the editorprogram for equations. All the indices should be in English. An exponent should be denoted as «exp» not by «e» raised to some power.

4. Figures. The drawings for the figures should be accurate and made on white paper or tracing paper. Sharp and contrasty glossy prints are acceptable. Each drawing should have a figure number, name(s) of author(s) and title of the paper written in soft pencil, if necessary note «top» and «bottom». In the electronic version, all the figures are in black-and-white version, submitted in separate files. A figure occupying all width of the page should have 14 cm along the horizontal, that one occupying 1/2 of the page – 7 cm. For figures in raster formats (bitmap) the permissible resolution – not lower than 300 dpi. In the file, image size along the horizontal, including captions along the axes, should be not lower than 800 pixels for the figure occupying 1/2 width of the page, and 1600 pixels – for that one occupying all the width.

5. Abstract (of less than 15 lines) should describe the aim of the paper, methods of reaching the aim, basic results. The abstract with name(s) of author (s) and title written in Russian and English is submitted on separate sheet.

6. Keywords (no more than 10 terms) in Russian and English should reflect the essence of the article. It is not allowed to use abbreviations.

7. References are listed at the end of the text in order they occur in the text. The bibliographic description includes author(s) names followed by:

a) a book – the title, Publishing Houses, year of edition (in parenthesis):
A.F. Ioffe, Physics of crystals, GIZ, Moscow (1929).

b) for an article in a journal – title, volume, issue, number of the first page of the article, year of edition (in parenthesis):
V.V.Kabanov, J.Demsar, B.Podobnik, and D. Mihailvic, Phys. Rev. B59, 1497 (1999).

8. Figure captions – the same as Abstracts must be submitted written in the two languages. Describe the elements of the picture preferably in the caption.

9. Information about the authors is written on a separate sheet and must include:

  • name, patronymic and family name of the author(s) without abbreviations;
  • office address(es) and phone(s) of authors.

The name of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be underlined.

Paper title, Abstract, figures and captions in complex should convey to the reader the particular nature of the contents of the paper.

All mentioned requirements apply to a short messages preparation, the volume of which should not exceed 3 pages.

We pay the authors attention to the fact that the PHPT journal is included in the system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index. The full version of the journal is available on the website:

Rules of review and publication

All the manuscripts received by the Editorial Office are registered and obligatory peer-reviewed by specialists in the related branches of knowledge. Reviewers can be both the members of the Editorial Board and specialists well-known by the activity in the related lines of research.

The decision about the assignment of the reviewers for the manuscripts received is made by Chief Editor, Vice-Chief Editor or on the meeting of Editorial Board, if necessary. The duration of the review process should not exceed a month since the manuscript is received by the reviewer, otherwise another reviewer is assigned.

A reviewer of HTTP is anonymous; the name and affiliation are not disclosed by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board liaises between the authors and the reviewer only in a written (letters or e-mail) form of review (reviews) and substantive response (responses) of the authors of the manuscript. Review process is not paid.

All submitted to the journal articles undergo an obligatory verification in the Anti-Plagiarism system before being submitted for review.

A review can be written in an arbitrary form. It should provide an overall and objective estimate, an analysis of the merits and demerits of the presented manuscript. Undue emotional overtone is not encouraged. The review is recommended not to exceed 3 printed pages. The review must end in one of recommendations: “the manuscript can be published without a revision”, “the manuscript can be published after revision”, “the manuscript can not be published”.

The authors are obligatory familiarized with the reviews. The author can present a substantiated dissent from the results of the review. In this case, Chief Editor, Vice-Chief Editor or Editorial Board takes a decision about further review procedure. In case the author (authors) agrees with the reviewer’s remarks, the changes in the text must be applied and the manuscript is submitted over again, being completed with a written response to the reviewer’s remarks. Then the reviewing procedure is repeated up to the reviewer’s decision about possible publication of the manuscript by HPPT. If minor remarks require only editorial linguistic changes, the decision about the acceptance of the manuscript for publication is made without the response to the reviewer, with consent of the author.

The final decision about publication in HTTP is made on the meeting of the Editorial Board with account of the received review (reviews) and substantive response (responses) of the authors. All reviews remain deposited in the printed form by the Editorial Board for five years.