Category Archives: Seminars

Scientific-metodology seminar


Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: 20th December, Thursday, 10-00 Subject: Information about scientific conference Material Science and Engineering 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, (25-27 SEPT 2012)

Scientific-metodology seminar


Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: January 17th , Tuesday, 10-00 Subject: EBSD method in analysis of metal’ structure (structure reconstruction, texture analysis) Speaker: Zavdoveev Anatol Everybody is invited!

Scientific-metodology seminar


Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: December 6th , Tuesday, 10-00 Subject: TWIST EXTRUSION EQUIPMENT Speaker: Kulagin R. Everybody is invited!

Scientific-metodology seminar


Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: November 15th , Thusday, 10-00 Subject: Magnit resistance of thin film Ni-Fe-Co-Zr-Cu Speaker: Moroz T.T. Everybody is invited!

Scientific-metodology seminar


Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: November 4th , Friday, 10-00 Subject: ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ СТРУКТУРЫ И МЕХАНИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ МЕДИ ПРИ ВИНТОВОЙ ЭКСТРУЗИИ И ДАЛЬНЕЙШИХ ТЕРМИЧЕСКИХ И ДЕФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯХ (по материалам кандидатской диссертации) Докладчик: Ткаченко В.М. … Continue