Category Archives: Seminars

(Русский) Участие в заседании Донецкого международного круглого стола

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(Русский) Участие в семинаре-совещании Минобрнауки России с представителями научных организаций новых субъектов

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(Русский) Мероприятия, посвящённые Дню науки

Announcing, Seminars

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Online seminar

Announcing, Seminars

Мultiperiodic one-dimensional photonic crуstals Nataliya N. Dadoenkova Friday 22 May 2020, 11:00 Attention! The seminar will take place online and not in the conference hall. To participate you will need a computer with camera, microphone and a reasonably fast (80-100 Mb/s) connection to … Continue

online seminar


About group velocity of electromagnetic wave and localization in linear homogeneous isotropic two dimensional medium Mikhail K. Galinskii Thursday, 23.04.2020 11:00 Attention! Because of the ongoing pandemic, the seminar will take place online and not in the conference hall. To participate … Continue