“PHPT”, Vol 8, №2


EREMEICHENKOVA YU.V., TROITSKAYA E.P., ZAROCHENTSEV E.V. Ab-initio equation of state of crystals at high hydrostatic compressions 5
VARYUKHIN V.N., BELOUSOV N.N., PASHINSKAYA E.G. The investigation of fine dislocation structure of austenite alloyed by nitrogen under micropiastic deformation 21
ULYANOV A.N. Voltage and losses at the hard superconductors carrying dc and ac transport current. Critical and resistive states 28
TARENKOV V.YU. Transport characteristics of current elements made of a high-temperature superconductor 38
CHERKASOV A.N. Pressure dependence of the ultrasound absorption in rhenium 45
ARTEMOV A.N. Vortices and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in thin layered superconductors 50
MEDVEDEVA K.YU. Energy gap in band antiferromagnetic superconductor 60
SOIKA E.N. Investigation of hexagonal spiral domain lattice 65
BUZHINSKY S.A., DERKACHENKO V.N., DERKACHENKO M.V., KAMENEV V.I., LUKINA M.M. Specific features of the f-d-exchange in the system of solid solutions of the rare-earth orthoferrites GdxYl-xFeO3 71
ORLOV D.V., BEYGELZIMER YA.E. Loosening of metal at cold rolling of thin metal sheets 76
EFROS B.M. Homogenization of the defect structure in heterophase metastable materials at deformation under pressure 82
GORBATENKO V.P., POZNYAK E.R., KONAREV V.G., MARCHUK S.I. Influence of hydropressing followed by thermal treatment on structure and properties of steel 18ХГТ 97
ABAYEV A.M., BELOSHENKO V.A., KOZLOV G.V., MIKITAYEV A.K. Fractal characteristics of structure during the flow of polyhydroxyether-graphite dispersion-filled composites 102
METLOV L.S. Nonlinear dynamics of unidimensional and two-dimensional lattices. Stochatization of waves 110
LEVSHIN A.A., FEDOTOV S.N., NESKOROMNAYA Е.A. The stressed-strained state of the rock anisotropic mass at coal-seam development with the established pillar 115

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