KHLOPKOV E.A., KHANAEV V.M., KURUSHKIN D.V., OSTROPIKO E.S., VYUNENKO Yu.N. Strength characteristics of welded joints of the Ti–55.42 wt% Ni wire |
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MALASHENKO V.V., MALASHENKO T.I., LUKYANCHENKO A.P. Dislocation dynamics in high-rate plastic deformation of functional materials |
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TUKMAKOV D.A. Numerical modeling of the motion and reflection of high-intensity shock waves in a heterogeneous medium |
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KOVALENKO O.V., VASILIEV S.V., LIMANOVSKII A.I., TKATCH V.I. Effect of heating rate on crystallization kinetics of the Fe40Co40P14B6 metallic glass |
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TEREKHOV S.V. Boundaries of thermal stability of an amorphous material. II. Subregular population of phases |
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SAYPULAEVA L.A., ABDULVAGIDOV Sh.B., GADJIALIEV M.M., ALIBEKOV A.G., MELNIKOVA N.V., STEPANOVA E.A., ALIKIN D.O., ZAKHVALINSKIY V.S., RIL’ A.I., MARENKIN S.F., PIRMAGOMEDOV Z.Sh. Temperature effect on the current-voltage characteristics of Cd3As2 + MnAs |
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NIKOLAENKO Yu.M., KORNEEVETS A.S., EFROS N.B., BURKHOVETSKII V.V., RESHIDOVA I.Yu. Effect of the element composition of the film structure on the estimation of the film thickness by the data of energy dispersive spectrometer INCA Energy 350 |
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SAMOLETOV A.A. Configuration temperature of a thermostat and ergodicity of the Nosé–Hoover scheme |
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SHELEST V.V., KHRISTOV A.V. Relation of calorimetric coefficients to complex anharmonicity and their role in thermodynamics of stability of the equilibrium phase state of a system |
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MEZIN N.I., STAROSTYUK N.Y. Verification of the hypothesis about a change of space-time metrics in the course of crystallization process |
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BELICHKO D.R., KONSTANTINOVA T.E., VOLKOVA G.K., NOSOLEV I.K., MALETSKII A.V., BURKHOVETSKII V.V. Effect of alumina doping on the structure and the properties of zirconia nanopowders |
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TARYANIK N.V., VARYUKHIN D.V., FEDYUK D.O., PROKOF’EVA L.N. Superconducting transformer for the measurement of the critical current and the resistance of the joint contacts in superconductors |
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