“PHPT”, Vol 10, №1


D’YACHENKO A.I., TARENKOV V.YU., ABALYOSHEV A., SZYMCZAK R., BARAN M., LEONYUK L.I., LEWANDOWSKI S. Properties of doped single crystal (Sr,Ca)10Cu17O29 at high hydrostatic pressure 7
KHACHATUROV A.I. Pressure effect on characteristics of the semimetal—insulator—metal tunnel junctions 12
VALKOV V.I, KOVARSKY V.L., SIBAROVA I.A. Coexistence of magnetic structures and the phase transitions in magnets with the itinerant carriers of magnetism. 2. The field and pressure properties of materials with the itinerant electrons 18
BEYGELZIMER YA.E., VARYUKHIN V.N., SYNKOV V.G., SYNKOV S.G. Intensive plastic deformation of materials under torsional extrusion 24
MAKSIMOV I.S., MEZIN N.I., NIKOLAYENKO YU.M., POLYAKOV P.I., SHTABA V.A. Conductivity of the La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.3 ceramic samples influenced by hydrostatic pressure 28
PASHCHENKO V.P., PROKOPENKO V.K., SHISHKOVA N.V., SYCHEVA V.YA., LOYKO A.D., BIBIK O.B., CHAYKA E.V. High hydrostatic pressure effect on structure and magnetoresistive effect of La0.6Sr0.2Mn1.203 ceramic samples at additional pressing 33
BEYGELZIMER YA.E., AKIMOV G.YA., CHAYKA E.V. A model of hydrostatic compaction of ceramic material powders 38
MALASHENKO V.V., MALASHENKO T.I. Influence of dislocation interaction on microcrack nucleation in hydropressed crystal 45
TARASENKO T.N., SHATSKII P.P. A new mechanism of surface polariton localization at the magnetic interface 48
BUZHINSKY S.A., DERKACHENKO V.N., KAMENEV V.I., MILOSLAVSKY A.G., MALYUK M.V. Magnetic relaxation in lutecium-substituted dysprosium and terbium orthoferrites 54
MILOSLAVSKY A.G., SUNTSOV A.N. Structural defects and electron transfer in a-SiO2 61
GUSAKOV G.V., DROBOT’KO V.F, KLIMOV A.V. PROKHOROV A.YU., KHOKHLOV V.A., LEVCHENKO G.G. Features of the behavior of YBCO film’s higher harmonics near Tc 67
KARNACHEV A.S., KLETCHIN YU.I., PROKHOROV A.A., SOLOV’EV E.E. NMR investigations of the hyperfine interaction anisotropy in rare-earth orthoferrites in the vicinity of spin-reorientational phase transitions 75
CHERENKOV O.P., PASHCHENKO V.P., SAMOILENKO Z.A., GUSAKOVA L.G. Structural changes in metaloxide systems at HTSC—FE transition 81
KABDYN N.N. Superheterodyne X-band radio spectrometer for studying EPR under pressure 88
POLYAKOV P.I, SLYUSAREV V.V., SHTABA V.A. A compact high-pressure chamber for magnetic investigation 94

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