Act. Head of Dept.: GUSEV Alexander Anatolievich
candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Associate professor
+7 (856) 311-53-48
The department was founded in 1966 by Kirill Borisovitch Tolpygo, Dr. of Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine. At the time, the department was called the Department of Theoretical Physics.
Since 1966, Kirill Borisovich TOLPYGO was the Head of Department of Theoretical Physics at Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering of NAS of Ukraine. Since 1988 and to the last, he held the position of the Chief researcher of DonIPE of NAS of Ukraine. |
Since 1988 to 2000, the department was headed by TELEZHKIN Veniamin Alexandrovich, Dr. of Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor. Since 2001 to 2014, the department (called later the Department of Theory of the Dynamical Properties of Complex Systems) was headed by PASHKEVITCH Yurij Georgievich, Dr. of Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor. |
Since 2015 to 2023, the department was headed by RUMYANTSEV Vladimir Vasilievich, Dr. of Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor. |
Department staff: total number of employees – 13; doctors of sciences – 1, candidates of sciences – 9.
Line of research: Dynamical and static properties of complex systems in external fields.
Objects of research: Low-dimensional and high-correlated systems, photon crystals, metal oxides, metals, biopolymers.
Fundamental results
- For the first time, a mechanism of sub-threshold formation of defects in diamond-like crystals was suggested and a new method of calculation of electronic and atomic structure of point defects was developed [1] (V.A. Telezhkin, State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 1995).
- For the first time, electric dipole spin-induced single-photon adsorption of light determined by magnetic ordering was analyzed and new magneto-optical effects in ferromagnets were studied [2-3] (Yu.G. Pashkevich, State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 2003).
- A model of universal primary physical mechanism of mechano-chemical transformation of energy realized by protein molecular engines was developed, being based on the account of excited hydrogen bonds [4-5] (K.B. Tolpygo, S.V. Bespalova).
- A method of non-empirical calculation of electron density and ab-initio calculations of structural electronic, magnetic and photonic properties of ordered systems of different dimensionality was designed (carbon and boron-nitrogen nanotubes, metal nanowires, metal-encapsulated nanotubes, multiferroics [6] (I.M. Reznik, А.А. Gusev, V.G. But’ko).
- A microscopic theory of spatial dispersion of light in molecular crystals and diamond-like structures in the frequency area of exciton transitions was developed. The use of a quasi-molecular model allowed application of a method designed for the molecular crystals to the description of electron excitations in a diamond-like semiconductor. Computer modeling of exciton spectra was performed; the laws of dispersion of exciton polaritons in imperfect molecular crystals were obtained. Generation of exciton polaritons by the field of a -particle moving in a similar crystal system was investigated. Scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a thin crystal layer was studied [8]. (V.V. Rumyantsev).
- A model of polymerase-tautomeric UV mutagenesis, bystander effects and genome instability was suggested, as well as the mechanisms of formation of rare tautometric forms of DNA bases and the model of formation of hot and cold spots of UV mutagenesis, target and non-target mutations of the base replacements, target deletions, insertions and complex mutations. A new concept was put into scientific practice that is a proton exciton [10] (Е.А. Grebneva).
- Modeling of electron transport and energy spectrum in tunnel heterostructures with metal electrodes was performed. The study of transport and noise characteristics of superconductors of s-, d-type of symmetry of the superconducting order parameter was carried out. [11] (М.А.Belogolovskii, Т.А. Khachaturova, I.I. Boylo).
- The effect of disordering in nanofilms and layered structures on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation and acoustic excitations was studied. The features of dispersion of electromagnetic excitations in an imperfect lattice of microresonators containing quantum dots were analyzed if the resonators are varied in composition and the distance between the neighbors and the quantum dots are varied in composition. [14-15] (V.V. Rumyantsev, S.А. Fedorov, К.V. Gumennik).
- Raman and hyper-Raman scattering in molecular crystals were analyzed, with biphonons and Bose-Einschtein condensate of excitons accounted. The anomalies of magnetization of paramagnetics and magnetics characterized by single-ion anisotropy of “easy-axis” type in the vicinity of an intersection point of the lowest energy levels were considered. [16] (Yu.D. Zavorotnev).
Applied researches
Protium enrichment of gas isotopic H-D-T mixture in the course of filtration through a cascade of quasi-two-dimensional palladium membranes was studied. Modeling of the single isotope enrichment parameters of an isotopic hydrogen mixture was carried out to estimate the optimum mode of separation of H-D-T mixture through a cascade of thin metal membranes. [10] (V.V.Rumyantsev, V.М.Shatalov, К.V.Gumennik).
The staff of the department enables operation of the grid cluster of the Institute (9 servers, 132 cores) that is connected to the Ukrainian grid of the Academy. License programs for ab-initio calculations WIEN2k and VASP4.6 are installed in the cluster.
Scientific co-operation
Within the frameworks of international co-operation, the department participates in projects supported by grants of INTAS, research grants of CRDF and NATO, joint project Vladimir State University, European program FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES.
Employees of the department Zavorotnev Yu.D., Gusev A.A., Khachaturova Т.А. work in the second job at higher education institutions (Donetsk National Universty, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport).
Selected papers
- P.W.M.Jacobs, V.A.Telezhkin. Application of Green-function method to molecular systems. In book Modelling of Electronic and Atomic Processes in Solids, NATO ASI Ser.3/22. Kluwer Acad. Publ., 31 (1997)
- Ю.Г.Пашкевич, В.В.Пишко, В.В.Цапенко, А.В.Еременко. Индуцированное магнитным упорядочением однофононное инфракрасное поглощение в Nd2CuO4./ ЖЭТФ 109, 1433 (1996)
- Yu.G.Pashkevich, V.A.Blinkin, V.P.Gnezdilov, V.V.Tsapenko, V.V.Eremenko, P.Lemmens, M.Fischer, M.Grove, G.Güntherodt, L.Degiorgi, P.Wachter, J.M.Tranquada, D.J.Buttrey Stripe conductivity in La1.775Sr0.225NiO4 / Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3919 (2000)
- С.В.Беспалова, К.Б.Толпыго / Биофизика 41, 22 (1996)
- С.В.Беспалова, К.Б.Толпыго./ Биофизика 43, 484 (1998)
- A.A.Gusev, I.M.Reznik, V.A.Tsitrin. Electron-electron interaction and antishielding constants of core shells of atoms./ J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 7, 4855 (1995)
- B.P.P. Mallet, Yu.G. Pashkevic, A. Gusev, Th. Wolf, C. Beruhard. Muon-spin-rotation study of the magnetic structure in the tetragonal antiferromagnetic state of weakly under doped Ba1-x Kx Fe2 S2 / EuroPhysics Leters, 111, 57001 (2015)
- В.В. Румянцев Взаимодействие электромагнитного излучения и легких частиц с несовершенными кристаллическими средами. – Донецк: Норд-Пресс, 2006, 347 с.
- Румянцев В.В., Подлипаев С.С. Спектральная плотность излучения, возбужденного в алмазоподобной нанопленке полем бета-частицы / Известия РАН. Сер. Физическая. 76 733-736 (2012)
- Е. А. Гребнева. Механизмы образования мишенных сложных инсерций при синтезе молекулы ДНК, содержащей цис-син циклобутановые тиминовые димеры / Доповіді НАН України. 5, 145-154 (2015)
- M.A.Belogolovskii. Tunneling density of states of MgB2: evidence for a dominant π–band contribution. Physica Status Solidi (c) 2, 1633 (2005)
- И.В. Бойло. Электрический шум в мезоскопических структурах нормальный металл – изолятор – сверхпроводник / Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.6, 723-730. (2015)
- V.V.Rumyantsev. Peculiarities of propagation of electromagnetic excitations through nonideal 1D photonic crystal / J. of Electrical & Electronic Systems. 1, 109-112 (2013)
- V.V. Rumyantsev, S.A. Fedorov, K.V. Gumennyk, M.V. Sychanova, A.V. Kavokin. Exciton-like electromagnetic excitations in non-ideal microcavity supercrystals / Nature. Scientific Reports. 4: 6945 (2014)
- V Rumyantsev V.V., Fedorov S.A., Gumennyk K.V., Sychanova M.V., Kavokin A.V. Polaritons in a nonideal periodic array of microcavities / Superlattices and Microstructures. 89, 409-418 (2016)
- Yu. D. Zavorotnev, O. Yu. Popova, Polariton Spectrum Subject to Bose-Einstein Condensate of Excitons / J. of Photonic Materials and Technology. 1, 10-14.(2015)
- V.V.Rumyantsev, V.M.Shatalov, G.Ya.Misuna Gas separation of hydrogen isotopes by means of multicell metal membrane./ Desalination 148, 293 (2002)
- К.В. Гуменник, В.В. Румянцев, В.М. Юрченко, М.К. Галинский Kинетика абсорбции водорода металлами вблизи границы насыщения / ФТВД. 23, 46-53 (2013).