“FTVD”, Vol 20, №3


ZHURAVLEV A.V., KRYGIN I.M. Energy spectra of a linear spin chains with dipole-dipole interaction 7
TROITSKAYA E.P., CHABANENKO V.V., ZHIKHAREV I.V., GORBENKO Ie.Ie., KUZOVOY N.V. Deviation from Cauchy relation in light inert-gas crystals under high pressures 19
BOUTKO V.G. The electronic structure modification of «zigzag» type (12, 0) boron nitride nanotube doped with potassium 32
BASHEV V.F., RYABTSEV S.I., DOTSENKO F.F., SERGEEV G.A., KUSHNERYOV А.I., GUSEVIK P.S. Structure and magnetic properties of manganese–diamagnetic elements alloy system quenched from liqiud state 37
TODRIS B.M., DVORNIKOV E.A., VARYUKHIN D.V., VALKOV V.I. Peculiarities of MnCoSi spiral structure magnetization under pressure 49
TYAGUR Yu.I., TYAGUR I.Yu. Investigation of pressure dependences of electrical resistance near phase transition in Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric crystals 56
SAYENKO S.Yu. Influence of transmitting powder medium characteristics on electroconsolidation process 70
KOSINSKY V.V. Mathematical proof of the method of increasing the efficiency of hydrostatic plants during high-pressure processing of materials by using suspensions and pastes 82
KULAGIN R.Yu. Special features of the twist extrusion technology designing 93
STOLYAROV V.V. Tribological behavior of nanostructured and ultrafine-graind metallic materials 101
BELOSHENKO V.A., VARYUKHIN V.N., DMITRENKO V.Yu., NEPOCHATYKH Yu.I., CHERKASOV A.N. Fibrous Cu–Fe composites produced by packet hydroextrusion: structure, mechanical and resistive properties 110
KRALYUK M.A., PASHINSKAYA E.G., MYSHLYAEV M.M., TISHCHENKO I.I. Formation of physical and mechanical properties of copper under deformation by drawing combined with torsion with rotation direction change 120
ALEXEEV A.D., ULYANOVA E.V., TRACHEVSKY V.V., IVASCHUK L.I., ZYMINA S.V. Application of nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman scattering methods for studying genesis of natural carbon nanomaterials structure 126
KALUGINA N.A. Mutual effect of diffusion and filtering during methane emanation from coal mass 140
ALEXEEV A.D., VASILENKO T.A., KIRILLOV A.K., MOLCHANOV A.N., TROITSKY G.A., DONCHUK A.V. Temperature dependence of the diffusion processes in porous media: the mobility of methane of fossil coals 150
Victor Grigorievich Baryachtar celebrates his 80-ieth anniversary 157

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