“FTVD”, Vol 19, №1


KONSTANTINOVA T.E. Dislocation structure evolution in metal systems under high pressure 7
PODREZOV YU.N. Mechanisms of structurization and features of mechanical behavior of nanomaterials of deformation origin 31
BAKHTEEVA N.D., POPOVA E.V. Nanocrystallization features of amorphous aluminium alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation 45
SAVINA O.V., BABUSHKIN A.N., SUKHANOV I.V., SUKHANOVA G.V. Thermoelectric properties of pure metals under high plastic deformations 55
MELNIKOVA N.V., BABUSHKIN A.N., SAVINA O.V. Baric dependence of thermoelectromotive force of amorphous copper chalcogenides 63
MATS A.V., KHAIMOVICH P.A. Barocryodeforming the Х18Н10Т steel 69
VELIKODNYI A.N., KHAIMOVICH P.A., TICHONOVSKY M.A., ANDRIYEVSKAYA N.F., STAROLAT M.P., TICHONOVSKAYA T.M. Lowtemperature semihydroextrusion of strongly deformed zirconium 78
MALTSEVA L.A., NOSKOVA N.I. , MALTSEVA T.V., KOSITSYNA I.I., OZERETS N.N., MISAR A.V., LEVINA A.V. The evolution of structure and phase transformations in metastable austenitic steel at severe plastic deformation 83
STOLYAROV V.V., UGURCHIEV U.KH. Influence of pulsed current on deformation behavior of nanostructured shape memory TiNi alloy 92
KORZHOV V.P. Sintered powder billets of electrocontact Cu–30% Cr alloy clad by cast alloy of the same composition 97
BEZHENAR N.P., GARBUZ T.A., BOZHKO S.A., BELJAVINA N.N., MARKIV V.JA., OLEJNIK G.S. Phase composition and structure of cBN–TiB2–Al obtained by high-pressure sintering 102
BOGATYREVA G.P., ILNITSKAYA G.D., MARINICH M.A., NEVSTRUEV G.F., PANOVA A.N., BILOCHENKO V.A., LESCHENKO O.V. Interrelation of physico-chemical and physico-mechanical properties of synthetic diamond powders 116
KHOMENKO A.V., PRODANOV N.V. Effect of asperities of diamond plates on behavior of ultrathin water film confined between them 123
LYSENKO A.B., KRAVETS O.L., LYSENKO A.А. The mechanism and kinetics of formation of neodymium metastable modification in conditions of quenching from a liquid state 134
RYZHKOVSKII V.M., GONCHAROV V.S., DYMONT V.P., MITYUK V.I. Structural transformations in zinc-containing alloys based on antimonide Mn2Sb under the influence of hot-pressing 145
GOMONNAI A.A., GURANICH P.P., SLIVKA A.G., RIGAN M.YU., ROMAN I.YU. Pressure behaviour of pyroelectric coefficient in TlInS2 and TlGaSe2 layered crystals 151
VARYUKHIN D.V., TARENKOV V.YU., DYACHENKO A.I., VAL′KOV V.I., GOLOVCHAN A.V., PODLESNY A.V. Resistive anomalies and current stimulation phase transition in junctions Nb–Mn1.3Fe0.7P0.5As0.5 157
DAUNOV M.I., KAMILOV I.K., GABIBOV S.F. Application of hydrostatic pressure for estimation of the extent of fluctuation potential effect on energy spectrum of charge carriers in crystalline semiconductors 164
MOLLAEV A.YU. Complex study of doped ferromagnetic semiconductors under high pressure 171
BELYATINSKAYA I.V., FEL’DMAN V.I., MILYAVSKIY V.V., BORODINA T.I. Shock metamorphism of streaky amphibolite rock-forming minerals 182

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