“FTVD”, Vol 18, №3


MAKOVETSKII G.I., VAS’KOV D.G., YANUSHKEVICH K.I. Hot pressing effect on magnetic and electrical properties of Co1–xNixTe alloys 7
BOYCHENKO V.A., DYACHENKO A.I., TARENKOV V.YU., KRIVORUCHKO V.N. Electron-phonon coupling in LCMO manganite 15
PROKHOROV A.YU. Vortex pinning mechanism in YBCO films identified from magnetic measurements 29
ALEXEEV A.D., ZELINSKAYA G.M., IL’INSKY A.G., KABAN I.G., LEPEYEVA YU.V., MOGILNY G.S., UL’YANOVA E.V., SHPAK A.P. Atomic structure of fossil coals 35
METLOV L.S. Nonequilibrium evolution thermodynamics. Theory and experiment 53
VENGEROV I.R. Diffusion of electromagnetic fields in nonuniform solids 62
BUT’KO V.G., GUSEV A.A., SHEVTSOVA T.N. Influence of superhigh pressure on electronic structure of carbon nanotube of the «armchair» (3,3) type 67
ZHURAVLEV A.V., PUZYNYA A.I. Pressure-induced weak ferromagnetic moment in the rhombic antiferromagnet (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 73
KOSHTOVNY R.I., OREL S.M. Skin-layer geometry in conducting composites with the ordered paramagnetic fibres 83
BEYGELZIMER YA.E., MIKHAILOV O.V., SYNKOV A.S., SHTERN M.B. Twist extrusion of powder billets. II. Experiment and discussion 92
MATROSOV N.I., DYAKONOV V.P., CHISHKO V.V., KISEL N.G., PAVLOVSKAYA E.A., SENNIKOVA L.F., MEDVEDSKAYA E.A., MIRONOVA O.N. Influence of the value of deformation by equal-channel multiple angle pressing on structure and properties of NbTi alloy 98
BELOUSOV N.N. Investigation of regularities in plastic flow and structurization under severe deformation accumulation 104
GLADKOVSKY S.V., VICHUZHANIN D.I., SMIRNOV S.V., BOGDANOVA T.P., EFROS B.M. Effects of cyclic deformation hardening in alloys with metastable austenite 125
DOROSHKEVICH А.S., DANILENKO I.A., YASHCHISHIN I.A., KONSTANTINOVA T.E., BEZUSY V.L., VOLKOVA G.K., GLASUNOVA V.A., PERECRESTOVA L.D., DOROSHKEVICH V.S. The influence of magnetic field on compression processes of ZrO2-nanoparticles 133
BARBASHOV V.I., KOMYSA YU.A., NESOVA E.V. On baric dependence of ionic conductivity in zirconia 148
MOSKAL D., NADTOCHIY V. Distribution of thermoelastic stresses in surface of GaAs single crystals irradiated by laser pulse 154

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