“PHPT”, Vol 8, №3


PANFILOV A.S., PUSHKAR YU.YA. Experimental techniques for study of the magnetic susceptibility of solids as a function of the atomic volume 5
BARNER K., ZAVADSKII E.A., SUMINOV D.YU. Magnetic ordering under the nonlinear exchange interaction 29
BAZHIN A.L., VARYUKHIN V.N., SHATALOV V.M. Optical emission properties of the fulleren molecules 36
BOGDANOV V.A., VARYUKHIN V.N., SPUSKANYUK V.Z., EFROS B.M. Influence of hydropressing on structure and corrosion-mechanical properties of high-nitride austenitic steels 42
DYACHENKO A.I. The resonance tunnel spectroscopy of phonons in cuprates 51
SUKSTANSKII A.L., YAMPOLSKAYA G.I. Magnetic susceptibility of a two-layer film in strong magnetic field 65
ULYANOV A.N., GUSAKOV G.V., KHARTSEV S.I., STAROSTYUK N.YU., MUKHIN A.B. Magnetoresistivity and structure of lantanum manganites La0,7(M’l-xM”x)0,3МnО3 72
KRYSOV V.I., KRYSOVA S.K., MAKSIMOV I.S., MEDVEDEV YU.V. Hydrostatic pressure effect on electrical resistance of amorphous alloy Ni80P20 77
CHERKASOV A.N. About the Gantmaher-Kaner effect in metals 87
ABRAMOV V.S., LINNIK A.I. Anomalous magnetic behavior in garnet films near the Neel temperature 90
BEIGELZIMER YA.E., MANSHILIN A.G., SHUL’GIN G.M. General expression for a kinematically possible velocity field during the multi-groove rolling-separation 100
BOGDANOV V.A., DOMAREVA A.S., PASHINSKAYA E.G., EFROS B.M. Structure changes in high-nitride austenite steels at thermal pretreatment 104
SHISHKOVA N.V., BEIGELZIMER YA.E., KULESKO N.A. Low-temperature deformation: temperature effect and its influence on the structure and properties of materials 111
MATROSOV N.I., DUGADKO A.B., PAVLOVSKAYA E.A. Deformation and thermal conditions for the hydropressing of multifiber composite 122
CHAIKA E.V., TIMCHENKO V.M., AKIMOV G.YA. Mechanical processing of compacts obtained by using cold isostatic extrusion 126
STEFANOVICH L.I. On the influence of plastic prestraining on the aging of Fe-Ni alloys 131
NAZIMKO V.V., LAPTEYEV A.A., NAPRASNIKOV S.V. Dynamic model for collapsing zone development around underground working 137
60-th anniversary of Victor SPUSKANYUK 146
In commemoration of S.V. VONSOVSKII 148

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