BEIGELZIMER Ya.E., EFROS В.М., VARYUKHIN V.N., SPUSKANYUK А.V. Physical mechanics of metal working under high pressure |
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KONSTANTINOVA Т.Е., VOLKOVA O.K., DANILENKO I.A., PILIPENKO N.P. Peculiarities of tetragonal-monoclinic transformation in surface layers of ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics |
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OLEINIK G.S., DANILENKO N.V., KOTKO A.V, BOCHECHKA A.A. Mechanisms of the silicon carbide recrystallization at high pressure and temperature |
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PRIMISLER V.B., DOBRIKOV A.A. Regularities of mezoscopic level defects at bending deformation |
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TOKII V.V., NOSOLEV I.K., PLATKOV V.Ya. A mechanism of internal friction in the region of critical stresses in zinc and molybdenum single crystals |
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LAMONOVA K.V., MAMALUI Yu.A., SIRYUK Yu.A. Studying of the behavior and properties of a periodic ring domain structure |
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ZHIKHAREV I.V., KHOKHLOVA S.I., PIS’MENOVA Y.E., TSYBULSKY Ye.O., DOROSHENKO N.A. X-ray investigations of the synthesis and processes of formation of HTSC-compounds based on YВа2Сu3Оx |
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PETRENKO A.G. Influence of thermomagnetic treatment on properties of ferroelectrics containing complex additions |
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TULSKII V.V. Influence of the high-pressure pulses treatment on convective flow of crystallized metal |
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MINAYEV A.A., LANDIK V.L. On contact friction at pressure treatment of sheet material with the preset non-uniformity of surface roughness |
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SPUSKANYUK V.Z., KASATKA N.G., ZAKORETSKAYA T.A. Investigation of pressure effect on the electrical parameters of metal powders compressed |
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MATROSOV N.I., SENNIKOVA L.F. Properties of finest wire made from aluminium-based alloy and obtained by drawing under high hydrostatic pressure |
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MATROSOV N.I., DUGADKO A.B., SENNIKOVA L.F., GUSAROVA T.A., SYNKOVA N.N, CHERNYSHEV V.A. Hydrostatic drawing with rod heating |
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KHAPILOVA N.S., DUBROVA S.B., ZALETOV V.V. Spatial stressed-strained state of compressible plastic layer near the cavity |
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50-th anniversary of VALENTIN LANDIK |
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