“PHPT”, Vol 6, №4


BEIGELZIMER Ya.E., EFROS В.М., VARYUKHIN V.N., SPUSKANYUK А.V. Physical mechanics of metal working under high pressure 5
KONSTANTINOVA Т.Е., VOLKOVA O.K., DANILENKO I.A., PILIPENKO N.P. Peculiarities of tetragonal-monoclinic transformation in surface layers of ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics 9
OLEINIK G.S., DANILENKO N.V., KOTKO A.V, BOCHECHKA A.A. Mechanisms of the silicon carbide recrystallization at high pressure and temperature 20
PRIMISLER V.B., DOBRIKOV A.A. Regularities of mezoscopic level defects at bending deformation 33
TOKII V.V., NOSOLEV I.K., PLATKOV V.Ya. A mechanism of internal friction in the region of critical stresses in zinc and molybdenum single crystals 42
LAMONOVA K.V., MAMALUI Yu.A., SIRYUK Yu.A. Studying of the behavior and properties of a periodic ring domain structure 49
ZHIKHAREV I.V., KHOKHLOVA S.I., PIS’MENOVA Y.E., TSYBULSKY Ye.O., DOROSHENKO N.A. X-ray investigations of the synthesis and processes of formation of HTSC-compounds based on YВа2Сu3Оx 53
PETRENKO A.G. Influence of thermomagnetic treatment on properties of ferroelectrics containing complex additions 58
TULSKII V.V. Influence of the high-pressure pulses treatment on convective flow of crystallized metal 63
MINAYEV A.A., LANDIK V.L. On contact friction at pressure treatment of sheet material with the preset non-uniformity of surface roughness 72
SPUSKANYUK V.Z., KASATKA N.G., ZAKORETSKAYA T.A. Investigation of pressure effect on the electrical parameters of metal powders compressed 84
MATROSOV N.I., SENNIKOVA L.F. Properties of finest wire made from aluminium-based alloy and obtained by drawing under high hydrostatic pressure 91
MATROSOV N.I., DUGADKO A.B., SENNIKOVA L.F., GUSAROVA T.A., SYNKOVA N.N, CHERNYSHEV V.A. Hydrostatic drawing with rod heating 95
KHAPILOVA N.S., DUBROVA S.B., ZALETOV V.V. Spatial stressed-strained state of compressible plastic layer near the cavity 100
50-th anniversary of VALENTIN LANDIK 108

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