“PHPT”, Vol 6, №3


BORGARDT A.A., TELEZHKIN V.A. Kirill Borisovich Tolpygo 7
GUSSEV A.A. Lattice dynamics of covalent crystals 11
SHELEST V.V. Fractional ion charges in perovskite type crystals 27
TROITSKAYA E.P., ZAROCHENTSEV E.V., YEREMEYCHENKOVA YU.V. Solving of multielectron problem in space of single-particle functions 31
REZNIK LM. New version of the Thomas – Fermi method 45
BABENKO V.V., ВUТКО V.G., GUSEV A.A., VOLOSHIN V.A., REZNIK I.M., FOSKARINO E.V. Distribution of electron density in YPrBaCuO with a praseodimium of mixed valence 54
PANCHENKO L.K., REZNIK I.M. Nonlocality of the exchange-correlational interaction and a problem of the semiconductor energy gap 63
RUMYANTSEV V.V., STAERMAN E.YA. Light scattering in crystals of 1:2:3 type structure 74
SHATALOV V.M. Excitation of structural relaxation of quenched covalent glasses by magnetic fields in quasimolecular model by Tolpygo 81
ZAKHAROV A.YU., LOKTIONOV I.K., GRANOVSKII YA.I. Type second phase transition – ab-initio 88
IVANCHENKO YU.M., MEDVEDEV YU.V. Large statistical sum of a system of charged particles. Capacity of small-sized superconductor 97
DYACHENKO A.I. Nature of a giant peak in resistance of tunneling junctions: manifestation of Coulomb gap in the density of localized levels 107
BESPALOVA S.V. Quantum mechanical model of muscle contraction. Tension force, muscle efficiency and heat release 128
GREBNEVA E.A. One of the mechanisms of formation of the potential transitions at ultraviolet irradiation of DNA 141
TELEZHKIN V.A., OVODENKO A.A., KIRIENKO A.A. On the possibility of estimation of lower energy boundaries of the multielectron systems 152

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