BORGARDT A.A., TELEZHKIN V.A. Kirill Borisovich Tolpygo |
7 |
GUSSEV A.A. Lattice dynamics of covalent crystals |
11 |
SHELEST V.V. Fractional ion charges in perovskite type crystals |
27 |
TROITSKAYA E.P., ZAROCHENTSEV E.V., YEREMEYCHENKOVA YU.V. Solving of multielectron problem in space of single-particle functions |
31 |
REZNIK LM. New version of the Thomas – Fermi method |
45 |
BABENKO V.V., ВUТКО V.G., GUSEV A.A., VOLOSHIN V.A., REZNIK I.M., FOSKARINO E.V. Distribution of electron density in YPrBaCuO with a praseodimium of mixed valence |
54 |
PANCHENKO L.K., REZNIK I.M. Nonlocality of the exchange-correlational interaction and a problem of the semiconductor energy gap |
63 |
RUMYANTSEV V.V., STAERMAN E.YA. Light scattering in crystals of 1:2:3 type structure |
74 |
SHATALOV V.M. Excitation of structural relaxation of quenched covalent glasses by magnetic fields in quasimolecular model by Tolpygo |
81 |
ZAKHAROV A.YU., LOKTIONOV I.K., GRANOVSKII YA.I. Type second phase transition – ab-initio |
88 |
IVANCHENKO YU.M., MEDVEDEV YU.V. Large statistical sum of a system of charged particles. Capacity of small-sized superconductor |
97 |
DYACHENKO A.I. Nature of a giant peak in resistance of tunneling junctions: manifestation of Coulomb gap in the density of localized levels |
107 |
BESPALOVA S.V. Quantum mechanical model of muscle contraction. Tension force, muscle efficiency and heat release |
128 |
GREBNEVA E.A. One of the mechanisms of formation of the potential transitions at ultraviolet irradiation of DNA |
141 |
TELEZHKIN V.A., OVODENKO A.A., KIRIENKO A.A. On the possibility of estimation of lower energy boundaries of the multielectron systems |
152 |