DYACHENKO A.I. On failure of textured YBCO-ceramic materials in the strong magnetic field |
5 |
ZAVOROTNEV Yu.D., MEDVEDEVA L.I. Possible phase transitions in the trigonal-structure crystals |
14 |
MAMALUI YU.A., SOJKA E.N. Evolution of unregular magnetic bubble structures of ferrite-garnet films at the temperature and magnetic field changes |
24 |
LAMONOVA K.V., MAMALUI YU.A., SIRYUK YU.A. Spiral domains in ferrite-garnet thin films |
33 |
BEIGELZIMER Ya.E., KONSTANTINOVA Т.Е., PRIMISLER V.B. Rheological models of the mezoscopic level of plastic deformation |
41 |
BARBASHOV V.I., TKACHENKO YU.B. The influence of surface-active substances on plasticity and strength of hydrostatically compressed crystals |
46 |
LEVSHIN A.A., VELICHKO P.M., REWA V.N. Investigation of the normal and transverse deformation of the rock anisotropic mass |
55 |
BELOSHENKO V.A., VARYUKHIN V.N., ZAIKA T.P., SKIBA S.I., SHELUDCHENKO V.I. Properties of the cross-linked polymers and polymer compositions deformed by the solid-phase extrusion |
65 |
KOZLOV G.V., SANDITOV D.S., MIKITAEV A.K. The anharmonicity of the interatomic bonds and inelastic deformation of glassy polymers |
71 |
GAZAEV M.A., KOZLOV G.V., MILMAN L.D., MIKITAEV A.K. The turbulent character of the cold flow of amorphous glassy polymers |
76 |
CHIGRINOVA N.M., CHIGRINOV V.E. Studying the role of microblasting in the process of directional formation of titanium, type BT1-0, structure and properties |
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