“PHPT”, Vol 34, №4


ZAVOROTNEV Yu.D., VARYUKHIN V.N., BEZUS Yu.А., PETRENKO А.G., TOMASHEVSKAYA E.Yu. Bose-Einstein condensation in molecular crystals with account of a weak exciton-phonon bond 5
DRAGUNOV I.E., PILIPENKO E.A. Static and dynamic properties of a ferromagnet in curvilinear coordinates 13
VARYUKHIN V.N., MALASHENKO V.V. Effect of dislocation density on the dynamic yield strength of hydrogenated metals 30
MELNIK T.N., YURCHENKO V.M., DAVYDOVA I.M. Specific features of formation of metastable states in the course of impurity segregation at the free surface of thin films 37
METLOV L.S., DAKHNO E.D. Interaction of the structural subsystem and the magnetic one in thermodynamic systems of Heusler alloys at varied contribution of the mixed invariants of the 3-rd and 5-th order 48
NEPOCHATYKH Yu.I., VARYUKHIN V.N., KOLEDOV V.V., SHAVROV V.G. Excitation of self-oscillations of magnetization in polycrystalline gadolinium 54
SAYPULAEVA L.А., ABDULVAGIDOV Sh.B., ТEBENKOV А.V., МARENKIN S.F. Pressure-induced structural phase transformations in n-CdAs2: X-ray analysis and physical properties 62
TIKHIY A.A., ZHIKHAREV I.V. Practical features of ellipsometric angles determining using a null-ellipsometer built according to the PCSA scheme 74
MEZIN N.I. Enhancement of the specific Faraday rotation in the ferrogarnet films grown by LPE from weakly dissociated solution-melt 80
BUT’KO V.G., GUSEV A.A., KHACHATUROVA T.A. Hexagonal boron nitride: from the monolayer to the crystal. Ab initio calculation 86
SHEMCHENKO Е.I., TOKIY N.V., LIECHTENSTEIN I.Ya., VARYUKHIN V.N. Branching of multilayered carbon nanotubes in the CNx:EuyOz films with the substituting nitrogen atoms 92
BOYLO I.V. Effect of the electric current frequency on the stability of resistive switching in memristors based on lanthanum-calcium manganite 99
BUKIN G.V., BUKINA К.G., BORZENKO A.P., MAKMAK I.M. Study of the distribution of the force of double refringency of an oriented SHMPE film in two orthogonal directions 110
YAKOVCHENKO A.V., DENISHCHENKO P.N., KRAVTSOVA S.I. Investigation of the stable rolling of an asymmetric semi-bulbous roll by step calibration 117
SHAPOVALOV V.V., UDODOV I.A., SVETLAKOV O.Yu., ZHURAVLEV S.V., KAPITANCHUK E.Yu. Thermal analysis device with open hardware and software interface 126


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