D’YACHENKO A.I. Magnetic Field Dependence of Josephson Medium Critical Current |
5 |
DUBOVIK A.A., ZABLOTSKII V.A., MAMALUI Yu.A. Phase Transitions in Cluster and Amorphous Bubble Structures |
12 |
ORLOVA N.S., TURTSEVICH G.A., YANOVICH V.D. X-Ray Study Under High-Pressure of Compressibility in Silver Thiogalate |
17 |
SKUMS V.F., ALFER S.A., VECHER A.A., PAN’KO E.P. Electrical and Baric Characteristics of Some Compounds of the PbSe – PbTe and PbSe – SnTe System |
22 |
ТОКII V.V., NESCHADENKO I.A. A Generation of Partial Disclinations near Elastic Nonuniformities in Materials with Low Energy of Stacking Fault |
28 |
METLOV L.S. The Soliton Solutions of Wave Equations for Layered Media |
32 |
POPOV A.A., EFROS B.M., ZAIKA T.P., ADAMETS A.A., ANTONISHIN Yu.Т., YUSHKOV V.I. Barothermomechanical Treatment of High – Strength Titanium Alloys |
45 |
BEIGELZIMER Ya.E., KOVALENKO I.M., SPUSKANYUK V.Z. Formation of Surface Roughness on Workpieces at Hydropressing |
57 |
PANFILOV A.S. Pendulum Magnetometer for Measurements of Magnetic Susceptibility Under Pressure |
61 |
SHESTAKOV S.I. Spesific Features of Calculation and of Elastic – Plastic Stressed – Deformed State of Steel Dies of High-Pressure Plants |
67 |
TSIOK О.В., BREDIKHIN V.V., SIDOROV V.A., KHVOSTANTSEV L.G. Measurements of Compressibility of Solids and Powder Compacts by a Strain Gauge Technique at Hydrostatic Pressure up to 9 GPa |
75 |
BLANK V.D., VORONTSOV A.A., SEREBRYANAYA N.R., TSERR A.YU. Application of X-Ray Technique for Investigations of Phase Transformations in Powders at High Pressures and Shear Strain |
82 |
SOBOLEV V.V., SLOBODSKOI V.V., GORBACHEVSKII D.G., SHARABURA A.D. Influence of the Electric Field on Ni-Mn-C Alloy Obtained in a High-Pressure Chamber |
88 |
KARNACHEV A.S., MOSKVIN A.S., SOLOVEV E.E., KLEVETOV V.V. Anomalous Character of Spin Reorientation in ErFeO3 Under Uniaxial Compression |
90 |
MAZUROVSKII B.Ya. The Phenomenon of Retardation of Destruction Sites as the Basis of the Technique for Relaxation of Residual Stresses in Castings, Forgings and Welding Sites |
95 |
STARIKOV G.P. Methodical Bases of Determining the Degree of Outburst Danger with Respect to Coal Seams when They Are Opened Under Lateral Working |
98 |
FOMIN Yu.V. Study of Dynamic Bearing Pressure Developing at Getting Workings of Coal Mines |
101 |