“PHPT”, Vol 13, №1


ZAROCHENTSEV E.V., TROITSKAYA E.P., CHABANENKO V.V. The lattice properties of inertgas crystals under high pressures and temperatures 7
GRECHNEV G.E., AHUJA R., ERIKSSON O. Magnetic susceptibility of HCP iron and seismic anisotropy of the Earth’s core 14
BUT’KO V.G., VOLOSHIN V.A., GUSEV A.A. On a possible change in rareearth ion valency under high pressure 19
MOLLAEV A.YU., ARSLANOV R.K., DAUNOV M.I., SAYPULAEVA L.A. Transfer phenomena and phase transitions in CdSnAs2 at high pressure 29
EREMEICHENKOVA YU.V., METLOV L.S., MOROZOV A.F. Realistic interatomic potential for MD simulations 34
MOLLAEV A.YU., SAYPULAEVA L.A., IVANOV YU.M. Characteristic points and parameters of phase transition at hydrostatic compression in p-CdTe 43
VARYUKHIN V.N., MATROSOV N.I., MEDVEDSKAYA E.A., SENNIKOVA L.F., DUGADKO A.B., SPUSKANYUK A.V. Behaviour of copper under shearing strain in fractional mode 48
STOLYAROV V.V., SALIMGAREYEV KH.SH., SOSHNIKOVA E.P., BEYGELZIMER YА.E., ORLOV D.V., SYNKOV S.G., RESHETOV A.YU. Structure and properties of titanium ВТ1-0 under combined plastic working 54
KONSTANTINOVA T.E., RYUMSHINA T.A., NOSOLEV I.K., PILIPENKO N.P. Investigation of internal friction in titanium alloy ВТ22 60
SHELEST V.V., KHRISTOV A.V., LEVCHENKO G.G. Effect of deforma-tion on d-electron states of the central ion in octahedral complexes of molecular compounds 67
RASSOLOV S.G., TKATCH V.I., KAMENEVA V.YU., POPOV V.V. Nucleation and growth of a-Fe crystals upon linear heating the Fe85B15 amorphous alloy 75
DATSKO O.I., ABRAMOV V.S. Influence of weak magnetic field pulses on microplastic deformation and deformation aging processes 84
NADTOCHY V.A., ZHIKHAREV I.V., GOLODENKO N.N., KISELEV N.S. X-ray investigation of structure defects in subsurface layers of germanium and silicium single crystals deformed at 310 K 91
VARYUKHIN V.N., DUGADKO A.B., MATROSOV N.I., SPUSKANYUK V.Z., SENNIKOVA L.F., PAVLOVSKAYA E.A., SHEVCHENKO B.A., MIRONOVA O.N. Regularities in the hardening of fibrous nanomaterials produced by packet hydrostatic extrusion 96
BELOSHENKO V.A., BELOUSOV N.N., GLUSHCHENKO A.V., DUGADKO A.B., MATROSOV N.I., REZANOVA V.G., TSEBRENKO M.V. Solid-phase orientation of composite filaments with ultrathin polypropylene fibres 106
SHUNDALOV V.A., SHARAFUTDINOV A.V., LATYSH V.V., MIKHAILOV I.N., SHESTAKOVA L.O. Development of technological methods for the formation of nanostructure and high-strength state during severe plastic deformation processes 113
BELOSHENKO V.A., MEDVEDSKAYA E.A., MATROSOV N.I., SPUSKANYUK V.Z., SHEVCHENKO B.A., DUGADKO A.B. A deforming unit for the shear plastic deformation realization 121
POLISHCHUK V.S. Magnetically abrasive treatment as a high-efficient method in machine building 127
ALIMOV V.I., KRYMOV V.N., SHTIKHNO A.P. Improvement of high-speed steel properties by surface treatment 139
BUSOV V.L. An ultrasonic backward scattering method in experiments under load and its prospects 145
POLYAKOV P.I., KUCHERENKO S.S. Regularities in the location of critical lines and points in changes of phase transitions and properties of magnetic semiconductors 150
To the 75-th anniversary of Boris Ivanovich BERESNEV 151

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