On April 12-15, 2021, the SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE RESULTS OF WORK IN 2020 was held at Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A.A. Galkin,
The total number of the presented reports was 65, namely:
- oral scientific reports on current issues of condensed matter physics – 16, including 1 invited report from the Donetsk National University (Chemistry Department) ;
- oral reports at the session of young scientists – 6;
- poster reports –43.
With respect to the research methods, the presented reports can be classified as follows:
- Experimental – 30;
- Theoretical – 27;
- Development of the physical basis of new technologies – 2;
- Design of devices and methods of experimental research and technological processes – 6.
11 students of Donetsk National University and Donetsk National Technical University attended the conference. At the end of the event, they were awarded by certificates of participants.
Within the conference, an exposition was organized at the exhibition hall of DonIPT, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space.