Date: October 24, Thursday, 14-00
Place: Conference Room
1. Admission of the thesis to the defense for candidate of science degree in physics and mathematics
ZABOLOTIN Andriy Evgenovych (DonIPE of NASU)
”Optical and magneto-optical properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals with defects”, speciality 01.04.11 – magnetism.
2. DEFENSE of the thesis for the candidate scientific degree in physics and mathematics
TKACHENKO Vira Sergiivna (Donetsk national university)
”The influence of the interface magnetic inhomogeneities on the propagation of spin waves in magnonic crystals”,
speciality 01.04.11 – magnetism.
Supervisor: Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, Professor
KUCHKO Andriy Mykolajovych, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs and International Relations, Head of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Department of DonNU.
Official opponents:
– Corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, Professor GOROBETS Yurii Ivanovych, Head of Department of Physics of Magnetic Materials and Nanocrystalline Structures, Deputy Director of Institute of Magnetism of NAS and MES of Ukkraine;
– Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, Professor
TARASENKO Sergiy Vadumovych, Head of the Department of Magnetism Theory and Phase Transitions of DonIPE of NASU.
Everybody is invited.