Date: December 14, Friday, 14-00
Place: Conference Room
DEFENSE of the thesis for the candidate science degree in physics and mathematics
TKACHENKO Viktor Mychajlovych (DonIPE of NASU)
”Structure and mechanical properties of copper after twist extrusion, thermal and deformation influences”
specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics.
Supervisor: Corresponding member of NASU, doctor of science in physics and mathematics, professor VARYUKHIN Viktor Mykolajovych, director of DonIPE of NASU.
Official opponents:
– Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, senior researcher
PODREZOV Yuri Mykolajovych,leader of the phase transformations department,
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NASU;
– Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, professor
YURCHENKO Volodymyr Mychajlovych, leader of the department of the electronic properties of metal, DonIPE of NASU.
Everybody is invited.