Date: October 14, Friday, 14-00
Place: Conference Room
1. Admission of the thesis to the defense for candidate of science degree in physics and mathematics
BUKIN Gennadiy Volodymyrovych
”Pressure-induced high spin – low spin transitions of Fe2+ ions in coordination compounds”
specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics
of the thesis for a competition of Doctor science degree in physics and mathematics,
ZUBOV Eduard Evgenovych (DonIPE of NASU)
“Ground state and collective phenomena in а narrow-band metal oxide systems with rare-earth ions”
specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics.
Scientific adviser: Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor,
Leading researcher at the department of the low temperature magnetism and radio-frequency spectroscopy at high pressures DonIPE of NASU
DYAKONOV Volodymir Petrovych
Official opponents:
1) Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor
BELYAEVA Alla Ivanivna,
professor of general and experimental physics chair, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”;
2) Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor
FRIDMAN Yurii Anatolijovych,
Leader of the department of theoretical physics, TauridaNationalV.I.VernadskyUniversity;
3) Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor
PASHKEVYCH Yurii Georgijovych,
Leader of the department of the theory of dynamics properties of complex systems, DonIPE of NASU.
Everybody is invited