1. Admission of the theses to the defense for doctor of science degree in physics and mathematics specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics:
ZUBOV Eduard Evgenovych
“Ground state and collective phenomena in a narrow-band metal oxide systems with rare-earth ions”
2. DEFENSE of the thesis for the completion of candidate science degree in physics and mathematics,
POPOV Vyacheslav Vasylyovych
“Effect of replacement of Ni with Co on thermal stability, kinetics of crystallization and physical properties of Fe- and Al-based amorphous alloys”
specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics
Supervisor: Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, leading researcher at the Department of electronic property of metals
TKATCH Viktor Ivanovych.
Official opponents:
1) Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, associate professor
LYSENKO Olexander Borysovych
Professor of Condensed State Physics chair,
Dneprodzerzhinsk state technical university of MES of Ukraine
2) Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor
MYLOSLAVSKII Olexander Grygorovych
Professor of nanophysics chair,
Donetsk national university of MES of Ukraine
Everybody is invited