Place: Conference hall
Date: Thursday, December 9, 11-00
take place
the solemn meeting of Scientific council of Institute,
devoted to 45-years of
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology named after O.O.Galkin NAS of Ukraine
- Report, devoted to 45-years of DonIPE named after O.O.Galkin NAScU.
Speaker – Institute director, Corr.Member NASc of Ukraine V.N.Varyukhin - Award ceremony of leading scientists of DonIPE named after O.O.Galkin NAScU with charters of Donetsk regional council of deputy members, Donetsk city council, Voroshilovsky district council of Donetsk, Donetsl scienific center of NASc and MESc of Ukraine.
- Complimentary addresses of guests.
All scientists are invited